The Village of Downs has three TIF Districts. A TIF District generally has a life span of 23 years, but TIF districts 1 & 2 have been extended by the Illinois General Assembly from 23 to 32 years. TIF 1 & 2 will expire in 2032.
Each TIF district must have a redevelopment plan when adopted. TIF 1 was amended in December of 2015. Click on the links below to review the redevelopment plans for each TIF.
- TIF I - Downtown TIF (expire 2032)
- 1999 Redevelopment Plan
- 2015 Amended Redevelopment Plan
- TIF II - Downs Crossing TIF: 1999 Redevelopment Plan (expire 2032)
- TIF III - I-74 Commercial TIF (expire 2039)
- 2016 Redevelopment Plan
The Village must file the annual report with the Illinois State Comptroller's Office (along with other financial reports). These reports are available on the website by
clicking here. The website allows for running reports to see expenditures and other breakdown of outlay over the life of the TIF.