Street Light Outage?
Village of Downs Streets DepartmentSeasonal Yard Refuse PickupOur debris pickup runs from April through November (weather permitting) on the first Monday of the month. If the designated Monday pickup is not favorable, we will pick up on the next nice day following that Monday. The following are the rules we will follow with no exceptions.
Please note that there is NO BURNING in the ditches or on the edges of the road. Doing this causes clogging and backup in the ditches and culverts. It can also damage the road surface causing us to spend what little tax dollars we have to fix these issues.
2022 Street and Ditch Issues being addressedThe Village is preparing to address street and ditch issues in the near future. We will be doing edge cutting and ditch shaping. The edge cutting will allow water to drain off the roads and into the ditches properly which will reduce road and shoulder issues. The ditch shaping work will allow the water to flow through the ditches and culverts out to the water detention basins which will prevent standing water in ditches. Our plans are to address the following areas first:
The ditch work will require the removal of sod/dirt build up in the ditches that prevents water from flowing. In the case that we have to remove sod from the ditch we will reseed and lay straw over the top. In addition, we will be seal coating roads in the Village including Main Street and other locations as necessary in the coming months. Other planned improvements and repairs will be in the monthly newsletter. We ask that you please be cautious of the Village employees by reducing your speed and moving over when workers are present. We have been understaffed but hope our new hires will help catch up on the work that needs to be completed. If you would know of anyone 18 years or older that is interested in working PT in the village have them, contact me. If you have questions or concerns, please call Brian Warfel at 309-261-0183. |