Volunteer Day – Each Saturday as volunteers are available to Thanksgiving. Scout Troup’s will be invited to assist with setup and removal of Christmas displays & lighting. The takedown of the displays & lighting will be organized and everything will be marked/labeled for ease of setup the following year. Work Day mornings - Coffee, hot chocolate, water & doughnuts will be available for volunteers. Work Day afternoons - Coffee, hot chocolate, water & hot dogs will be available for volunteers.
Work Day – Saturday November 5th – 8am to 3pm at Park Pavilion. Sub-committee members, volunteers and open to public. Review the layout for lighting & displays followed a walkthrough of the park. Solicit/empower volunteers for different displays & lighting assignments. All volunteers to arrive and depart as their schedules permit.
Work Day – Saturday November 12th – 8am to 3pm at Park Pavilion. Sub-committee members, volunteers and open to public. Review the layout for lighting & displays followed a walkthrough of the park. Solicit/empower volunteers for different displays & lighting assignments. All volunteers to arrive and depart as their schedules permit.
Work Day – Saturday November 19th - 8am to 3pm at Park Pavilion. Sub-committee members, volunteers and open to public. Finalize and make any necessary changes to the park lighting/display. All volunteers to arrive and depart as their schedules permit.
Christmas Lights in the Park Celebration starts December 1 at dusk and continues through New Year’s Day.
Work Day – Saturday January 14th 2017 (determined by weather) 8am to 3pm at Park Pavilion. Sub-committee members and volunteers - Takedown of the displays & lighting will be organized - Everything will be marked/labeled for ease of setup the following year. All volunteers to arrive and depart as their schedules permit.
Work Day – Saturday January 21st 2017 (determined by weather) 8am to 3pm at Park Pavilion. Sub-committee members and volunteers - Takedown of the displays & lighting will be organized - Everything will be marked/labeled for ease of setup the following year. All volunteers to arrive and depart as their schedules permit.
Work Day Tentative – Additional Saturday’s may be required (due to weather conditions) for removal of lights & displays.