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Illinois Unclaimed Property Website

Here is an Excerpt from the latest Illinois State Treasurers Newsletter:

This month, we rolled out our new Enhanced Money Match program. We worked with the General Assembly to improve our novel idea and make it even easier to automatically return unclaimed property money to individuals without the need to file a claim. Enhanced Money Match is the latest improvement that leverages technology to return money quickly and efficiently. Recently, we worked with lawmakers to raise the cap to $5,000.

More than 66,700 letters went out to all corners of our state in our effort to return $47 million. That’s enough money to pay the salaries for the Oakland A’s baseball team and still have a few million left for hot dogs and drinks.

For some, this unexpected money will provide a little extra cushion at the end of the month. For others, it might help with the back-to-school shopping. Certainly, it means paying the rent on time for more than a few families.

Our unclaimed property program is the oldest consumer-protection program in the state. Every day we can return money to the proper owners is another day we fight for our neighbors and try to make their day a little bit easier and a little bit better.

We receive unclaimed property, such as the contents of overlooked safe deposit boxes, unpaid life insurance benefits, forgotten bank accounts, and unused rebate cards, after businesses say they tried for years to contact the owner. I believe most businesses actually do try their best. I’m also convinced there are some that have other priorities. I’m not sure about you, but everyone I do business with sure can find me when they need to send a bill.