7-18-23: 7 hydrants completed
7-18-23: #3 Quail (cul de sac)
7-18-23: 606 Harvey (last house on W side)
7-18-23: Rt 150/Dooley Ave (near Dooley cul de sac)
7-18-23: 310 Cleveland closest cross st is Oak
7-18-23: N Lincoln- Catholic Church parking lot
7-18-23: 101 N Seminary closest cross st is Washington
7-18-23: 206 S Lincoln closest cross st is Franklin
7-21-23: 15 hydrants completed
7-21-23: Cleveland & Washington
7-21-23: Woodlawn & Washington
7-21-23: Washington-across from HS parking lot
7-21-23: Washington & 150
7-21-23: In between Washington & MS entrance
7-21-23: Cleveland & Grove
7-21-23: Cleveland & Garfield
7-21-23: Cleveland & Dooley
7-21-23: N Lincoln by westside of Seminary
7-21-23: Oak & Woodlawn
7-21-23: S East St
7-21-23: Fox Run before curve
7-21-23: Fox Run middle of street
7-21-23: Fox Run & Harvey
7-21-23: 508 Harvey
8-01-23: 14 hydrants completed
8-01-23: High School & Oliver behind park
8-01-23: High School Old Entrance
8-01-23: High School New Entrance
8-01-23: Middle School West Side (front)
8-01-23: Middle School East Side (front)
8-01-23: Middle School South Side (back)
8-01-23: Behind Water Plant
8-01-23: In front of Water Plant
8-01-23: Franklin & Lincoln
8-01-23: Lincoln & E Main
8-01-23: Franklin near Oliver
8-01-23: Seminary at Village Hall
8-01-23: Seminary & Main
8-01-23: Seminary & Garfield