Frequently Asked Questions
Streets |
How to Report a Street Light Outage? | Reporting a Street Light Outage:
- Obtain the nearest home address or street crossing
- Call Ameren at 1-800-755-5000
- Press 1
- Press 4
- Provide information from #1 to operator
| When does the Village Plow the Streets? | Snow Plow Plans:
Village of Downs Snow plowing will start at ~2" of accumulation. The goal will be to have at least one lane open during the storm, except between the hours of midnght and 4 am.
Depending on the storm and temperature, salt maybe applied to intersections, hills and curves prior to the start of the storm. Once the storm ends, widening, mailbox, corner and other final cleanup will be performed.
We will spread salt at the intersections and hills after plowing has been completed. Please do not park along the edge of the road during a snow storm to help expedite cleanup.
Public Works |
What is the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) rule regarding Boil Orders? | The following IEPA rule is not verbatim, but generally states: The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) requires public water systems to issue a boil order when the system pressure drops below 20 psi or in the case of a water main rupture. The village must notify consumers through either a hand delivered notice or local media to boil all water used for drinking or culinary purposes for five minutes before consumption. The boil remains in effect until tested samples demonstrate that the water is safe, or until corrective action approved by the agency is taken.
| What good does it do to boil water? | Boiling water for a minimum of five minutes kills bacteria so the water is safe to drink. Most Public Water Supplies add chlorine for the same reason. Chlorine is a disinfectant/oxidizer.
| What type of contaminates are you talking about? | Water mains are usually buried anywhere from 3 to 6 feet underground. Contaminates that could enter the system at this depth might be ground water, dirt, oil, or gas from leaking underground tanks. It could be waste water. Contaminates to a water system are not always life threatening bacteria.